South Africans need realistic hope, not RAMAPHOSA’s folktales

Monday, February 12, 2024
 – President Cyril Ramaphosa’s creativity is to be admired.

He wove a fairytale of a Tintswalo who was ultimately saved by the benevolence of “the party”.

It made for riveting viewing as Ramaphosa broke character, showing a bit of emotion.

Reality hit us squarely between the eyes the next day.

When the state of the nation address becomes a theatre to project fables, half-truths and innuendo, then it is as clear as daylight that the government of the day is no longer fit to govern.

The time is now for level heads and clear thinkers to assert the view that the country desperately needs a political party to impose a fabulous new adventure, which will bring about prosperity and realistic hope.

Peter Bachtis, Lakefield, Benoni

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